Monday 2 January 2012

2012 Albums: What to expect, rumoured or real?

It's safe to say that 2011 brought some complete beasts of albums to the world of music, from the seemingly never-ending success of Adele's 21, to The Vaccines debut album - a band which broke through their indie stereotype, winning the unlikeliest of fans. (I got kicked very hard in the head at a Vaccines gig a couple of weeks ago, and fell over spectacularly in the crowd, not that it's relevant.) 2012 wasn't all brilliant though, we mustn't forget that Justin Beaver sadly released a Christmas album. After such a (generally) successful year in music, it might be difficult for 2012 to compete, but with bands such as Green Day, The Offspring and even the unstoppable Lady Gaga rumoured to be releasing albums, 2012 certainly has a fighting chance.

First on my list, is what is being hinted as Bad Religion's final album. As much as it pains me to speak ill of them, as I think they're truly ingenius, I was slightly underwhelmed by their last contribution - The Dissent Of Man, released in 2010. It was worth listening to, but they've definitely done better, and I'm convinced they can do even more. I'm very excited as to what 2012 may bring for them, if they do indeed release an album. Equally, part of me hopes that there isn't a new album, because if the rumours are true, it may well be the end for Bad Religion. And I think that's very sad prospect indeed.

Second on my list is the mighty Green Day. I'm incredibly excited about this album, as I have been for the past 3 years! It has a great deal to live up to - they released their last album, 21st Century Breakdown very successfully, especially considering it followed its monsterous predecessor American Idiot. In an MTV interview from 2010, Green Day stated that the album will go "back to the basics". If it's anything even similar to earlier albums like Kerplunk, Nimrod or even Warning, which is about as back to basics as they can get, then it looks exceedingly promising.

2012 is looking very good for fans of The Offspring. Having not released an album since 2008, new music by them is eagerly awaited. While it has not been entirely confirmed, new music in 2012 is looking very likely! The Offspring are a personal favourite on mine - their last album was true brilliance. Here's hoping they can live up to it! Time and time again they have delivered fantastic songs - if their previous albums are anything to go by, it'll be worth waiting for!

Other albums to watch out for in 2012...
I would continue writing more about the great new albums we may (or may not) get to hear in this new year, but at 11:30pm, I've exhausted most of my writing ability! Here's a more brief list of more rumoured gems:

NOFX - There hasn't been a great deal of information released regarding a new album, although a few hints have been made! Perhaps it's wishful thinking on my part, so we'll have to wait and see what 2012 brings. They're a legendary band, so hopefully a legendary album!

Muse - They have confirmed they're releasing a new album in October 2012. As this is a definite for them, I suppose I should write more,, but in all honesty, I'm all 'Mused out'! They're a great band, there's no denying that, I have just begun to find them a bit boring. Perhaps a new album will change that, who knows?!

Jarinus - I have included this, as it is part of my never-ending quest to find happy music. Who wants to listen to Emo all time, that's all I'm saying. It's not good for anyone! Anyway, this doesn't entirely relate to this list, but I thought it deserved a mention. I noticed that Jarinus (Jaret Reddick of Bowling For Soup and Linus Of Hollywood) have a page to fund new music ( Not that they need help to reach their target! The demos on YouTube are fab - which can only mean great things! (and yes, more HAPPY MUSIC!)