Saturday 29 October 2011


I was sitting minding my own business yesterday afternoon, when inexplicably, to my genuine horror, a terrifying noise suddenly emits from my radio. The horrendous racket was incredibly painful to my ears -I rushed to turn it off as quickly as possible, but I was still exposed to the excruciatingly high pitched , unpleasant sound. Of course, once I had managed to stop it, I rang the radio station, and demanded to know the reason for such an unexpected and traumatic experience. They were perplexed by my query, but eventually tried to explain to me that the sound I was complaining about was in fact a noise that some people choose to listen to. I subjected myself to this awful sound several times more, but eventually gave up – it was just too unpleasant to bear listening to. I have included a link to it, and if anyone can explain what this sound is meant to be, please comment or message me. Though don’t say I didn’t warn you – it is incredibly unpleasant. Radio presenters should give prior warning to people burdened with ear drums, before they play such horrific noises.

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