Tuesday 15 November 2011


It's 1am on a Tuesday morning. Everyone is asleep, yet you're sat clutching your laptop in a sleep-deprived haze, eagerly awaiting a reply from your favourite band, looking upon a re-tweet as a gift from God. Sound familiar? No? Er...me neither.

There's no denying it, I am completely addicted to Twitter. And I know I'm not the only one. Some artists have so many followers, they have no chance of replying to the majority of their messages. Worryingly, one of these people is Justin Bieber... The point I'm trying to make is that websites such as Twitter have completely changed music. 10 years ago, however much you loved a band, chances are you couldn't easily contact them, let alone receive a reply. The closest you'd probably get would be a ill-advised stalkerish letter sent to their record company. And who's going to reply to that?

Now however, providing it's not too creepy, a tweet can be sent you your favourite musician, with a decent chance of a reply. The barrier between band and fan has been broken down - good for the band because it makes them more likeable, and good for the fans, because they can stalk to their hearts content, without the risk of a restraining order! (I would like to add, I do not have a restraining order. I'm not describing myself...) I admit last week, that I got so excited about getting a reply from Bowling For Soup I fell off my chair. The "jr" at the end was simply too exciting. That said, I really bloody hope that stood for "Jaret Reddick", and not some band manager called "John Richards" or something. Because that would REALLY suck. Anyway, my English lesson is calling me, so I must sign off. Well, not literally, that would be weird.

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